субота, 22 листопада 2014 р.


It's just a short walk to get to the Kyiv's oldest surviving church, Saint Sophia's Cathedral. Today the complex of buildings and churches that make up Saint Sophia's is a museum. In addition to the Cathedral, exhibits include models of ancient Kyivan Rus' towns.
Saint Sophia's is the highlight of many visitors' stay in Kyiv. This majestic 13-domed church was named after the Constantinople's Saint Sofia's Cathedral. Sofia in Greek means "wisdom". The Cathedral was built in 1037 by Prince Yaroslay the Wise (he's buried inside) to commemorate the victory over the Pechenegs (Asian nomadic tribes) and to glorify Christianity. The church became aholy place of worship for ancient Kyivites, as well as a major cultural and political centre of Kyivan Rus'. Adjoining Yaroslav's Palace, Saint Sophia's was often used to receive foreign diplomats and negotiate treaties. The first library and school in Kyivan Rus' were situated in the Cathedral. Sophia's made a huge impression on the ordinary citizens of Kyiv in that era, with its rich frescoes and mosaics, many of which are still intact, almost a millennium later. Saint Sophia's is a national treasure of Ukraine.
Behind the Cathedral on your right stands the four-storeyed, (76 metres/249 foot), azure and white, stone Bell Tower (1744—1752). The Ukrainian Baroque fourth storey and gilded cupola of the Tower, were added in 1852. On your left is the 18th century Refectory. It is now a museum and houses archaeological and architectural displays.

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